Installing and configuring Portsentry as a second line of defense against port scanning, after IPTables lscan and psd rules. It will ban attacker’s machines temporarily of definitely, but will whitelist my own network and IP addresses.

Portsentry presentation

Portsentry listen to most unused network ports. It receives all the incoming connections and can detect sequences of connections from a source to detect a network port scan. Then, it can react with arbitrary commands, to block the scans, to return garbage, to trigger countermeasures… Most scans will be detected and blocked by the IPTables chain, PortSentry is configured as a second line of defense. It will use TCPWrappers and IPTables to block the scans on UDP and TCP. It will also be configured to ignore my own IP addresses.


This article only depends on the Generic machine preparation post serie.

Existing variables

We need the LAN_* variable which was already defined in the configuration file, the Configuration variables post.

Reload the variables

Ensure that the variables are available, by loading the configuration script :

source /root/config.env

Common installation

I first pre-configure the answer to a question that would otherwise be asked by the package and I install it.

echo portsentry portsentry/warn_no_block string "" | debconf-set-selections
apt-get install -y portsentry

Automatic bind to unused ports

Configure portsentry to use the advanced mode, which listen to all the ports below a threashold, both for UDP and TCP. This could be an issue if a service try to bind himself, later to a dynamic port and if portsentry is already bound to this port. By default, the threshold is set to 1024

sed -i 's/TCP_MODE="tcp"/TCP_MODE="atcp"/' /etc/default/portsentry
sed -i 's/UDP_MODE="udp"/UDP_MODE="audp"/' /etc/default/portsentry

Block scans with IPTables, CHAOS and TCPWrappers

Then, let’s activate the scan blocking using IPTables and TCPWrappers. Portsentry will execute the provided iptables command and add the attacking host in the /etc/hosts.deny file. Both are useful because IPTables is not persistent, whereas TCP wrappers is persistent. Furthermore, I provide my own iptables command to use the CHAOS target instead of DROP. The attacker knows that there is machine, ignoring the packets would inform him that we are protecting the machine and he will try something else. Using the CHAOS target returns random data, it will not look like we are protecting ourself but will not provide him useful information. It would be better to insert the iptable blocking rules after the iptables whitelist rule, and before the ACCEPT rules. I would need to know the white list rule number to do that, so I’d need to create a whitelist iptables chain in the IPTable configuration, but I did not. You can improve your scripts.

sed -i 's/BLOCK_UDP="0"/BLOCK_UDP="1"/' /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
sed -i 's/BLOCK_TCP="0"/BLOCK_TCP="1"/' /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
sed -i 's/RESOLVE_HOST = "0"/RESOLVE_HOST = "1"/' /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
sed -i 's/^KILL_ROUTE/#&/' /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf
sed -i 's/^#\?KILL_ROUTE="\/sbin\/iptables -I INPUT -s $TARGET$ -j DROP"/KILL_ROUTE="\/sbin\/iptables -I INPUT -s $TARGET$ -j CHAOS"/' /etc/portsentry/portsentry.conf

Whitelist safe IPs

I can make some mistake, I could want to scan my own server… But I dont want to be blocked. Thus, I add my own IP address in the list to ignore and, just in case, I also add it to the TCPWrapper’s whitelist.

echo "ALL: ${LAN_IP}/${LAN_NM}" >> /etc/hosts.allow
echo "${LAN_IP}/${LAN_NM}" >> /etc/portsentry/portsentry.ignore.static

Apply the configuration

systemctl restart portsentry

Strengthen with Fail2ban

Fail2ban can use portsentry log to take further actions. When portsentry blocks a scan, it blocks it with iptables for TCP and UDP scans, but this is not persisted in case of server reboot or service restart. It uses also TCPWrappers, which are persisted. fail2ban will double block using iptables, but it also has a persisted database and will restore the blocking rules in case or restart.

> /var/lib/portsentry/portsentry.history
cat << EOF > /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/portsentry.conf
enabled = true
systemctl restart fail2ban

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