This short tutorial explains how to find an interesting data set (quantitatively and qualitatively) and load it into Couchbase in order to play with it. This is a quick and dirty application, it could be largely improved and optimized. I wrote it quickly because I needed something quickly up-and-running to load my data. I decided to write a post on it and I only cleaned the very-dirty things before writing this post. It is clearly not a production-class program ! ;)

Downloading a dataset

There are many sites with data sets. But they are often either too small or not very interesting from a business perspective (logs, records of Technical sensors, …). Fortunately, a site has more than 1300 development indicators aggregated by country for 215 countries over 50 years. It proposes indicators of business (financial, industrial, demographic, social, …) according to a time axis and a geographical axis. This is perfect to have some fun.

We must first go to the site WorldDataBank to select the wanted indicateurs. For the import step, I chose to put the countries in rows, the indicators in groups and the years in columns. Then I exported to CSV.

Since it is not possible to select the whole dataset for performances constraints, I had to make several selections / export then I concatenated the files. For convenience you can download the whole file. It contains 1,300 indicators for 215 countries from 1960 to 2014, or about 5 million values (after removing the missing values).

Development environment

Couchbase’s cbdocloader provides a tool to load JSON or CSV documents in Couchbase, however the CSV format does not match the desired document design in the database. Therefore we can not use this tool. It is possible to use an ETL like Talend to transform data and inject them into Couchbase, but I preferred to use the SDK to illustrate its implementation simplicity, power and speed.

IntelliJ IDEA

You can use any development studio. Personally I have a preference for IntelliJ IDEA when I did not edit my files in vi. I find it lighter, faster and more responsive than Eclipse.

Couchbase JAVA SDK 2.2

To contact the Couchbase cluster, you will have to download the SDK JAVA Couchbase. I met some issues with the latest version of SDK because of a bug in the Jackson library, so I used the version SDK 2.1.4 for this tutorial. Once downloaded and unzipped, you’ll need to add the three JAR files (Couchbase-core-io-1.1.4.jar, Couchbase-java-client-2.1.4.jar, rxjava-1.0.4.jar) in your JAVA compiler’s classpath. In IntelliJ, simply copy / paste into the project and declare them as library with a right click.

Apache Commons-CSV

The source data file being in CSV format I, chose to use the Apache Commons CSV library (1.2) to read the file. As for the Couchbase SDK, you must decompress the file and add the library (commons-csv-1.2.jar) in the JAVA compiler’s classpath (copy / paste file in the project and declaration as library by a right-clic).

Import application

It is possible to use the SDK with development frameworks such as Spring, it is possible (and recommended) to create classes for different objects (Repository, Factory, AbstractStuff, VirtualStuff, PublicStuff, PrivateStuff, …). But I will not do it. The purpose of this article is to present simple information in a minimum of files (and therefore classes). I will use only one class in addition to my program or two classes in total, or two files.

I will not go into details of RxJava, to make it short, is a framework that allows to request action execution on objects at the time where they are available. Thus, the application no longer needlessly waits for a object to be available, it continues its execution flow and the action will run in the background, when the data will be there (This really is much more than that, but that’s the part that interests us for now).

All of the source code of this article is available in my Couchbase-RxImporter repository on GitHub.

CSV file reading

The idea is very simple, the CSV file has to be in a well known format :

Country code Country name Serie code Serie name 1960 value 2014 value
FRA France SP_POP_TOTL Population 46647521 66201365

The CSV file name will be passed as program argument on the command line.

We will use the Apache-Commons-CSV library to read and parse the file, we will skip the very first line (column header) and the empty lines. The JAVA code is quite simple :

package net.cerbelle.WDI;

import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;


 * Created by fcerbell on 11/09/2015.
public class Import {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        System.out.println("WorldDevelopmentIndicators loader");
        System.out.println("File to load : " + args[0]);

        Reader in = new FileReader(args[0]);
        Iterable<CSVRecord> records = CSVFormat
                .withHeader("CountryName", "CountryCode", "SerieName", "SerieCode"
                        , "1960", "1961", "1962", "1963", "1964", "1965", "1966", "1967", "1968", "1969"
                        , "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973", "1974", "1975", "1976", "1977", "1978", "1979"
                        , "1980", "1981", "1982", "1983", "1984", "1985", "1986", "1987", "1988", "1989"
                        , "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1995", "1996", "1997", "1998", "1999"
                        , "2000", "2001", "2002", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008", "2009"
                        , "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014"

        for (CSVRecord record : records) {


Couchbase cluster connection

Let’s add the Couchbase cluster connection instructions before opening the CSV file. By default, the Couchbase SDK is very verbose, we will first limit its verbosity and then open the connection to the cluster.

In the applications’s logic, we want to make a total reloading at each launch. We also want to run tests in a row without having to empty the bucket or recreating it each time from the web interface. So let’s start by testing the existence of the bucket to delete it and test his absence to create it with the needed configuration. It allows us to be sure that the bucket is in a known state : it exists, with the wanted settings and that it is empty.

At the end of this sequence, we will “open” the “bucket” to make it available for the application to populate it.

        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.couchbase.client");
        for(Handler h : logger.getParent().getHandlers()) {
            if(h instanceof ConsoleHandler){

        // Connect to the cluster
        Cluster cluster;
        System.out.println("Cluster connection");
        cluster = CouchbaseCluster.create(clusterAddress);

        // Create a cluster manager
        ClusterManager clusterManager = cluster.clusterManager(clusterUsername,clusterPassword);

        // Drop the bucket if already existing
        if (clusterManager.hasBucket(bucketName)) {
            System.out.println("Drop bucket");

        // Create the bucket if not already existing
        if (!clusterManager.hasBucket(bucketName)) {
            System.out.println("Create bucket bucket");
            BucketSettings bucketSettings = new DefaultBucketSettings.Builder()
                    .quota(300) // megabytes

        // Open the WDI bucket
        System.out.println("Open bucket");
        WDIBucket = cluster.openBucket(bucketName);

Even if it is not mandatory, it is better to try to write clean code and to close properly the bucket and the cluster connection at the end of the application :

// Disconnect and clear all allocated resources

If you use an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ, it might already added import statements at the begining of your code to import the required packages. If not, you can add them manually :


import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

Our application knows how to open a cluster connection, how to prepare a bucket in a defined and well known state, how to read the CSV file lines and how to close things properly.

Parsing and processing the records

The underlying idea behind the Couchbase SDK is to use the ReactiveX framework that was initially developped by NetFlix, in its Java flavor (RxJava), to work asyncroneously. The goal is to define actions to execute on objects “as soon as they become available”, to forget it and continue the application execution flow without waiting for the object to be processed. The object is Observable and the actions are defined in an Observer.

To achieve this, we will use the classes and methods defined in the Couchbase SDK. First, we need to implement an Observer class with three methods :

  • a method to trigger when a new Observable object is available to be processed (onNext) ;

  • a methods to trigger when all the Observable objects have been processed (onComplete) ;

  • a method to call when an error occured during the Observable objects fetch (onError).

The complete source code is available in my Couchbase-RxImporter GitHub repository :

package net.cerbelle.WDI;

import rx.Observer;

 * Created by fcerbell on 16/09/2015.
 * CSVRecord upsert
public class RecordObserver implements Observer<String[]> {
    public void onCompleted() {

    public void onError(Throwable exception) {

    public void onNext(String[] r) {
        JsonDocument indicatorsDocument;
        JsonObject indicatorsObject;

//        System.out.println(r[0] + " " + r[1] + " " + r[2] + " " + r[3] + " " + r[4] + " " + r[5] + " (Observed by : " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
        String Year = r[0];
        String CountryCode = r[1];
        String CountryName = r[2];
        String SerieCode = r[3];
        String SerieName = r[4];
        String Value = r[5];

        indicatorsDocument = Import.WDIBucket.get(Year + "_" + CountryCode);
        if (indicatorsDocument == null) {
            indicatorsObject = JsonObject.empty();
        } else {
            indicatorsObject = indicatorsDocument.content();
                .put("Year", Year)
                .put("CountryCode", CountryCode)
                .put("CountryName", CountryName)
                .put(SerieCode.replace('.', '_'), Double.valueOf(Value));
        indicatorsDocument = JsonDocument.create(Year + "_" + CountryCode, indicatorsObject);

This first version is very simple, but also very efficient.

We will now use this class in our main program to load information in our cluster. The SDK works asynchroneously, if we start the loading and stop the program without waiting, the odds are high that not all the information will be loaded. We could wait for a delay using Thread.sleep(delay) but if the specified delay is too short, we will still loose information and if the delay is too long, we will wait uselessly. The fix is to use a distributed counter (to be thread proof), to update it when all the data are processed and to end the program when the counter is updated. We will use the doOnCompleted method to update it :

        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

This piece of code can not work yet. It still miss things. The Observable provide CVSRecords whereas the Observer waits for String[].

First, we will filter the Observable to remove the lines with an empty CountryCode, these lines are empty lines usually at the end of the file :

                .filter(r -> !r.get("CountryCode").isEmpty())

Then, we will convert each Observable record (CSVRecord) to an Observable list of string arrays (String[]), as expected by the Observer. We could also change the Observer to accept CSVRecords and to process them. I quickly build q string array by using the CSVRecords methods manually, it could be improved to deal with an arbitrary number of columns but I dont need this :

                        r -> Observable.from(new String[][]{
                                {"1960", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("1960")},
                                {"1961", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("1961")},
                                {"2013", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2013")},
                                {"2014", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2014")}

We could call the Observer on this result, but our CSV file has a lot of undefined values. In the BigData world, an undefined value is not stored. So, we will remove theses undefined values. We will also change the counter value at the end of processing to notify the main class that it can end. And finally, we will subscribe our Observer to the built Observable so that it will process each item, using a scheduler to use parallel threads (in that case, one per core) :

                .filter(valueLine -> valueLine[5] != null)
                .subscribe(new RecordObserver());

So, the whole bloc should be :

        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
                .filter(r -> !r.get("CountryCode").isEmpty())
                        r -> Observable.from(new String[][]{
                                {"1960", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("1960")},
                                {"1961", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("1961")},
                                {"1962", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("1962")},
                                {"2010", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2010")},
                                {"2011", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2011")},
                                {"2012", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2012")},
                                {"2013", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2013")},
                                {"2014", r.get("CountryCode"), r.get("CountryName"), r.get("SerieCode"), r.get("SerieName"), r.get("2014")}
                .filter(valueLine -> valueLine[5] != null)
                .subscribe(new RecordObserver());

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Conflicts resolution

For each CSV line, the program finds the documents in which he needs to write the line details. For each of these documents, he search for the document in the Couchbase cluster. If the document already exists, he has to add the detail to the document, so the document is fetched from Couchbase, the details are added and the document is then pushed back to Couchbase. If the document did not already exist, it is created from scratch, and pushed to Couchbase. As the import program can be executed in parallel threads, it is possible that several threads need the same document at the same time. One of the change will be lost.

The usual relational databases provide usually transactions to avoid this. It is possible to make the read/change/write sequence atomic. Couchbase does not support transactions, it is not a relational database and it is not its goal.

A first possibility, pessimistic and usual, would be to use a mutex to protect the critical section. This critical section begins at the document search and ends at the document write. This section could be executed by one and only one thread at a time. The problem is that this section is the whole payload of the thread. Furthermore, it would be a waste to forbid two parallel execution when the needed document is not the same. At the end, it would mean to have several threads executing a linear flow.

A second possibility is to lock the document at read time and to unlock it at write time. We would also have to check that a non existing document at read time still does not exist when we write it otherwise the thread would have to restart from the begining because another thread created the document in the meantime. This implementation would avoid overwritings and would lead to an acceptable parallel execution rate, but it also use a lot of CPU cycles on the cluster side (with locks) and on the client side (with the conflict management). It could be interesting if we know in advance that there will be a lot of collisions as it would avoid the collisions before they actually happen thanks to the locks.

The third possibility is optimistic. It considers that there will be collisions, but that there will be few collisions. It will not protect “a priori” against potential collisions but will accept to spend extra time to fix the collision when it happens. The thread will search for the document if it exists, read it with its serial number (CAS), alter it and write it back if the serial number wasn’t change meanwhile. If the document did not exist, it will be created and written in insert only mode. So, if the serial number changed during the critical section or if the document was created by another thread, it will trigger an exception that will have to deal with the collision : restart from the begining of the critical section until it succeed.

In our import, the informations are sorted by Country/Indicator/Year bloc. There are collision risk but not too high. We should use an optimistic implementation (even if I try to be prepared for the worst, I am still optimistic).

We have to change our Observer… But not too much, because the get method already gets the serial number attached to the document and the replace method already takes care of it when it is defined. We only have to use the insert method instead of the upsert one in case of a new document to trigger an exception when the document was created by another thread. :

                .put("Year", Year)
                .put("CountryCode", CountryCode)
                .put("CountryName", CountryName)
                .put(SerieCode.replace('.', '_'), Double.valueOf(Value));
        if (indicatorsDocument == null) {
            indicatorsDocument = JsonDocument.create(Year + "_" + CountryCode, indicatorsObject);
        } else {
            indicatorsDocument = JsonDocument.create(Year + "_" + CountryCode, indicatorsObject);


The dataset is loaded. We will create few general purpose indexes to be able to use it. Instead of sending commands from the application, I found easier to execute the SQL queries from the command line tool /opt/couchbase/bin/cbq :


The very first index is a general index. The second one is the primary index, mandatory to execute N1QL queries, it indexes the document’s primary keys (to have the list of the documents). Then, the two last are the most probably needed index to use our dataset. GSI means Global Secondary Index, it is a new centralized index type introduced in 4.0 used by N1QL.

CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON WorldDevelopmentIndicators;
CREATE INDEX Year ON WorldDevelopmentIndicators(Year) USING GSI;
CREATE INDEX CountryCode ON WorldDevelopmentIndicators(CountryCode) USING GSI;


We now have a dataset which is both rich and big enough. We can begin to explore it with an analysis tool or a reporting tool. But this will be explained in another post…